Rating: two stars
This book is about a homeless girl with no name. One day, a town's midwife takes her in as an apprentice. The girl begins to feel like a failure, runs away, then comes back. The end.
I have NO IDEA why this book has an award. It's quite small, and so is the development of the story. There's only like 10 characters in the whole book, counting the ones you only mention as a person. The characters don't change at all, except for Beetle, the main character. And the only way Karen mentions that is changing is " beetle found herself getting smarter", and wow! What an amazing transformation she has gone through! Also, the book goes through three years and mentioning very little. The book mentions something that happens, then it's "the days went on" and it's a whole other year.
My second thing that I'm writing about is that today is the 101st anniversary of the Titanic sinking. I am a HUGE fan of the Titanic and know almost everything about it.
For instance, the crew members were specifiably told NOT to hurry the passengers to the lifeboats and to say it was a lifeboat drill. Therefore, many went back to sleep or continuing a game of cards or a conversation.

Those that did get out of bed were grumbling and grumpy, and half asleep did not bring any blankets. If they made it to one of the lifeboats, they would have been freezing cold.
Many mothers took the warning seriously and made the children bundle up as they went outside. Well, wouldn't any mother be worried when they say to go to the lifeboats?
The call was women and children first, but even if the warning was never heard, more men still would of died. Many were playing cards or smoking, and as Titanic was considered unsinkable, refused to go to the lifeboats, and sent their wives ahead.
The results of the confusion, sleep, and cards:
# of children: 109 Saved:56 Lost:53
# of women: 402 Saved:246 Lost:106 Total Saved: 710
# of men: 805 Saved:146 Lost:659 Total Lost: 1,514
# of crew:908 Saved: 212 Lost: 696
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