Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Rating: Five Stars
I loved Cinder. As you might of guessed from the name and cover, it's another version of Cinderella. If Cinderella was a cyborg in the future. You heard me- Cinderella the cyborg.
Cinder was turned into a cyborg from age 11 when she got in a serious hover crash. An orphan, she was sent to her stepmother and her two stepsisters. However, the youngest daughter Peony, is Cinder's only friend. She may make another one though, when the prince comes to her store ( Cinder is a mechanic) to fix his broken android. ( No, not the phone! An android is a robot designed to look like a human) Later in the day, Cinder and Peony go to a junkyard to collect scraps. Cinder sees a purplish spot on Peony's neck, and when she moves the collar, discovers that she has the plague! Letimoses is a killer virus around the world for which there is no cure . Blaming Cinder for the outbreak, her stepmother volunteers her for Letimoses cure research, for cyborgs only. No one survives . But when she comes to the research center, the doctor notices a few strange things about Cinder...
I recommend this book for everyone who is tired of the same old Cinderella stories. Check back soon!
I want to read it