Friday, October 25, 2013

Special News!!!!!!

I know,I know,I know. I have not been posting since forever. But I'm here to tell you an exciting new thing! On Saturday,October 19, two adorable Guinea Pigs have a new my home!!!They are both super cute. One is brown,white,and black.We named her Reese's after Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. The other one is white and SUPER fluffy,and Tucker got to name this one Snowball.

Because I have so much to tell any and all living beings on the planet about the new arrivals,I've created a blog just for them!Snowball and Reese's might even have a chance to talk to the world,too. This blog's name is...Miss Pigloo! What IS a pigloo,you might ask? Well,Guinea Pigs are very shy little creatures. They need lots of places to hide. Thankfully,there is a pigloo, which is pretty much a coloured plastic igloo.  The website address is pretty simple... So... If you like Guinea Pigs,super cute things,or pigloos,click on the link! If you don't...may evil Guinea Pigs find you in your sleep!!! ;)