The Fault In Our Stars,by John Green
Rating:Five Stars
Most know the basic plot of the book,but for those who are living in plastic bubbles,I'll give you it anways. Hazel is a girl with a lung cancer that will be her final chapter. She spends her days reading and watching TV shows with her Mom while hooked up to a constant supply of oxygen. She goes to a cancer club,where she meets a boy called Augustus. They fall in love and the rest of the book would be a spoiler!
This book was well written and heart wrenching,with a touch of what it means to live. I loved this book and finished it in 2 days. The only thing I have to pick a bone at is that they fall in love too quickly to be in real life. It's like they meet,hang out once,and fall in love. That may be enough to develop a crush,but I really doubt true love could blossom this fast.Other than that, The Fault In Our Stars deserves the hype and now I really want to see the movie. I recommend TFIOS to people who like romance,video games,or people that are dealing with a cancer of their own.
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