The Underneath,by Kathi Appelt
Rating:Five Stars
Awards:National Book Award Finalist, Newberry Honor
Genre: Fantasy
The Book starts with a pregnant tabby cat that has just been dumped into a forest and abandoned by a family she thought loved her. One day,she hears the sound of a lonely Bloodhound. This Bloodhound called Ranger is abused by the cruellest man alive. His name is Gar Face,and he's an ugly man that loves to hunt alligators. When the momma gives birth two the kittens,she names them Puck and Sabine. Ranger And Momma constantly tell the kittens to never go outside-or risk becoming alligator bait for Gar Face! One Day,Puck steps outside-a big mistake. Puck and Momma get captured and thrown into the river. They get separated,and Puck needs to find his way back to Ranger. Now,this sounds like realistic fiction. Then there's the other half of the book. The trees have a secret language, and the alligator Gar Face hunts is 100 feet long and 1000 years old. There is also short chapters about a half woman half serpent that has been trapped in a jar for WAY to long to be real.
This book is absolutely amazing! It is very peaceful,and even action parts somehow sounds poetic. Kathi is an artist of literature,and you will read this book is record time! The only way to explain this is from a part of the book:
This piney woods forest in far East Texas is wet and steamy. Take a step and your footprint will fill with water. Look up,and you will barely see the sky,only small blue puzzle pieces,blocked by ancient trees. It is hidden,this place,and so are the traces of civilization. OR THE SNAKE PART : But despite her affection for the alligator king,she longed for her own kind...Here in the swampy forest,there were millions of snakes...but there was no lamia (half human,half serpent) Ahh..lamia,half serpent half human.Blood that ran both cold and hot.
My Award: Most Poetic Novel
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