#1 Divergent

Rating:5 stars
Divergent is set in the future where there are 5 factions,or cities, that everyone lives in. The selfless live in Abnegation,the peaceful in amity,the honest in Candor,the brave in Dauntless,and the intelligent in Erudite. Of course, you stay in the faction you are born in...until you turn 16. All 16 year-olds take a test that will determine the faction they should go into. But some are DIVERGENT. They get more than one aptitude for a faction,and the society classifies them as dangerous. They will hunt you down and kill you. Beatrice, an Abnegation,is divergent. She chooses a new faction and must fit in and try to survive.
I really like this book because the world Beatrice lives in is so detailed. It's easy to imagine that this society really exists in some far off country. You get attached to the characters and NONE of the pages are wasted. However,it does have a bit of romance,which I liked but some boys might shy away from. This is not some kissy kissy romance though. Each has their secrets,and they must find out if they can trust each other....
The book ends after Erudite attempts to take over Abnegation. MUCH SUSPENSE.
#2 Insurgent
Rating:4 stars
After Erudite's attack,Beatrice and her boyfriend Four take refugee in the Amity compound. With some sneaking around,Tris discovers that the Abnegation had information on the Divergent. After a while,the faction less(those without factions)team up with Dauntless and battle the Erudite.The Erudite lose after injecting some with a strange serum. The Dauntless are able to return to the cabin,but the Erudite leader has a plan. She activates the serum for two children who go to the highest Dauntless tower. In a mechanical voice,they explain that this will happen every 2 weeks if a Divergent does not turn herself in. The children jump off the tower,but Tris can only save one. Tris sacrifices herself and goes to the Erudite compound,where they study and torture her. Her friends go to save her,but Tris finds out that the Erudite leader has the info on the Divergent and tries to save them to retain the information.after the commotion,Tris is accused of being a Dauntless traitor. MORE SUSPENSE. The book was a little slow until the end,and therefore kind of hard to explain in a post.
#3 Allegiant
Rating 5 stars
After reading the last two books,I had to wait for the next. Then on a magical day,UPS delivered...Allegiant! It was the first day of sale. I read the book and...
Allegiant starts with Tris in her trial for being a traitor. After being deemed innocent,she plays the video on the Divergent. It is one of Tris's ancestors that explains that the non Divergent's ancestors had their genes damaged in an attempt to make perfect people. It went wrong,and they were put in factions until their genes fixed themselves. The Divergent's genes are already fixed and must go outside the factions to help the people "outside the fence". Tris,Four,and her brother go on a journey and make it to an airport that has been converted into a laboratory. The friends discover new things,must make choices that affect themselves and others,and learn the meaning of sacrifice.
This book has more suspense than any other! To be honest,I was a little disappointed to leave the factions behind,but that was made up for by the amazing detail of what our world has turned into! It had connections with discrimination,because the Divergent are treated with more respect than the non divergent.The scenes were very dramatic and I kept reading parts over and over again!
The rating could be 4.99 because I thought the epilogue was weak. It doesn't show much about what happened afterwards,unless the once unpredictable characters now live boring and simple lives.Other than that,it was great!
This test tells you what faction you would be in. You might be Divergent,but just choose the faction that you like most.
1.You want your friends and family to see you as someone who...
A.Is willing to make sacrifices and help anyone in need
B.Is liked by everyone
C.Is trustworthy
D.Will protect them no matter what happens
E.Offers wise advice
2.When faced with a difficult problem,you react by...
A.Doing whatever will be the best thing for the greatest number of people
B.Creating a work of art that expresses your feelings about the situation
C.Debating the issue with your friends
D.Facing it head on. What else would you do?
E.Making a list of pros and cons and then choosing the option the evidence best supports
3.What activity would you most likely find yourself doing on the weekend?
B.Painting,Dancing,or writing poetry
C.Sharing opinions with friends
D.Rock Climbing or Sky-Diving!
E.Catching up on homework or reading for pleasure
4.If you had to select one of the following as a job,which would you choose?
5.When choosing your outfit for the day,you select
A.Whatever will attract the least amount of attention
B.Something comfortable,but intresting to look at
C.Something that's simple,but still expresses your personality
D.Whatever will attract the least amount of attention
E.Something that will not distract you or inhibit you from what you have to do that day
6.If you discovered your friend's friend was being unfaithful, you would...
A.Tell your friend because you feel it would be unhealthy for him or her to continue in a relationship where such selfish behaviour is present.
B.Sit them both down so you can act as mediator when they talk it over
C.Tell your friend as soon as possible.You can't imagine keeping that knowledge a secret.
D.Confront the other friend!You might also take action by slashing their tires or egging his or her house-all in the name of protecting your friend of course
E.Keep it to yourself.Statistics prove your friend will find out eventually.
7.What would you say is your highest priority right now?
A.Serving those around you
B.Finding peace and happiness for yourself
C.Seeking truth in all things
D.Developing your strength of character
D.Success in work or school
If you got mostly A's...
You are Abnegation.You don't like to draw attention to yourself,and you are more concerned for other people's happiness than your own. You find joy and fulfilment in making people happier,safer,and healthier. You believe the world would be a much better place if selfishness were not so widespread, Other people see you as sometimes difficult to get to know,but also as quiet and kind.
If you got mostly B's...
You are Amity. You are at peace when others get along. You appreciate music and the arts,and it is easy to make you laugh. One of your goals is to find as much happiness as you can. You believe aggression and hostility are to blame for most of the world's problems.Others see you as flaky and indecisive,but also as easy going and warm.
If you got mostly C's...
You are Candor. You are honest with everyone,no matter how difficult it is,and no matter how much trouble it gets you into. You aren't easily offended,and would rather prefer to hear the truth even if it hurts. You believe that if everyone could be honest and forthright with each other the world would be a much better place. Other people see you as insensitive,but also as trustworthy and confident.
If you got mostly D's...
You are Dauntless. You love a good adrenaline rush,and you don't let other people dictate your behaviour. You do what is right no matter how difficult or frighting it is. You believe the world would be better off if people were not afraid to do what was necessary to make things right. Others see you as often abrasive,but also strong and bold.
If you got mostly E's...
You are Erudite.You enjoy learning new things,and you try to understand how everything works.You tend to make decisions based on logic rather than instinct or emotions. You believe the world would be a better place if everyone were well educated and devoted to learning.Other people see you sometimes as condensing,but also as intelligent and insightful.
What do you get?Let us know in the comments below!
I got Erudite!