Wednesday, June 12, 2013


 I'm back with a book that almost everyone knows about...
 Twilight, by Stephenie Myer
Rating: Three and a half stars

Now, I know there's that big rivalry between Harry Potter and Twilight, but I can't see why. Harry Potter has plots with mysterious backgrounds,  while Twilight has a good plot, but nothing underneath. Harry Potter has a good mix of funny, serious, dramatic, and upbeat sentences, and it looks as though Stephenie Myer has a hat with different kinds of sentences and draws one out without looking. It's all so RANDOM! So....Harry Potter wins!

Twilight is about a girl named Bella who moves to a small and green town called Forks. On the first day of her school, she sees a boy named Edward, who seems to dislike her. Instead of being a bit confused as most people would do, Bella is terrified. The next day, Edward seems nicer to her, and he almost immediately reveals that he is a vampire. So much for being a secret keeper. Then they fall in love. Even if you have never heard of this before, I'm pretty sure THAT wasn't a surprise.  Then Edward invites her to a vampire baseball game. Take me out to the ball game, with a vampire, they drink blood, that's a fact, I don't think I'll ever come back! Then some other vampires come along and find Bella. Edward knows that they want her blood, so he hides her in Phoenix. The plot completely changes, and now Bella and her vampire friends are on the run. 
Four words: Good Plot, Bad writing. The plot is the only reason I want the next book, New Moon. Like I said, the sentences are random and usually in the wrong places. the plot itself has suspense, romance, and adventure, but you have to dig down through the writing to find that.
Now, the cover has an apple on it, and I have NO idea why. If you know, please leave a comment that says why. Thanks!

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